AIDS song


My blood has gone black

And I have lost some weight

I have to stay home

And self-medicate

Why donÕt I go out

And sleep about

Enjoy my life

Before itÕs snuffed out?


Would you kiss my lips when I am dead?

Would you hold my hand when I fade in bed?

Would you kiss me when my bloodÕs gone cold?

Would you be my friend, would you break the mould?

Would you shed a tear when I am in the ground?

Tons of soil piled on and holding me down

The Boss will then maybe sing a song

Will you then miss me?

U might buy the single, but you wonÕt kiss me.

Funny how, now that my blood is black

People act as if IÕm already dead on my back.


Will you wash my plates, will you wash them up?

Will you eat from them, will you use my cup?

Or will you throw them out?

Will you burn my clothes?

Will you burn my books

Will you burn my notes?


Will God in Heaven be scared of me?

Will his angels too shirk to touch me?

If theyÕll touch me,

Then tell me why wonÕt you

I am not dead

But I am to you


Or is it that

I am set to go to Hell

You have judged me,

so why wonÕt you tell

Cuz I got this disease

That only fire with cease

From eating my body

Bring me down to my knees

So stoke those fires

And let them receive

The man with the disease

The man that was me


What if God fucked men

Like heÕs fucked me

What if God had AIDS,

Would you still believe

Would you love Him then?

Or would you turn from him?


I know you still wonder

whether I am a fag ?

Or am I a man

who used a needle that was bad?

Well, I have a kid

That does make me a man

I had a wife

Who did not understand

I am who I am

Why isnÕt that enough

Just a lost poor soul

Dealt a hand thatÕs rough.