Angry All The Time


I am angry all the time

Such mediocrity

Surrounds me

And I just have to be civil enough

Not to tell you what you say ought not be said

But what you want to hear

I fear being original

Being truthful

Might be hurtful

Opening myself up too much

To touch

Your mind


If there is no thought behind it

It is just noise

Best left in the head

If there is no craft about it

Words are just toys

Well made but still broken

Why must mediocrity be spoken

To add to all the putrid junk that surrounds us

Grounds us

Lets us not fly

And die when our time is up

Never to be recalled

LifeÕs riddle left unsolved

So very involved

In ourselves and our self-recognised geni-ass hell.


I am angry all the time

Angry at myself

For not being more than I am

For not saying something more meaningful or honest

Some godforsaken truth that would gather me acclaim

Or have you felt the same

As I

Yet I fail again and again

And remain, just like you

A mediocrity


See how much I hate to write

To invite myself to recite

Words that mean nothing

Just for acclaim

Thoughts that are just the same

As yours

But just something to say

When the Circle turns

And my turn comes

And I make noise

For the little acclaim that comes my way


Angry all the time

Angry at what I cannot be

WhatÕs the point of dreaming

Of all of our scheming

When we cannot have our way

With life

Or even our wife


I am angry all the time

And now you know why.