In time


In time your claws will grow back

And your tongue will regain its edge

And I will learn to keep to my distance

Not wander too close to the ledge


In time distance will make these wounds heal

And I will learn to fake just as well and not betray these feelings that I feel

Am I a man or a mouse

Am I standing up or am I a heel?

Why stand up straight when it is so much easier to kneel


In time your broken heart will be put back together

Your eyes will start to look around

And you will change with the weather

Summer will come and you will be chomping at the tether

Autumn soon will follow

It is better to make a clean break now

Than to wallow

I know what you too will say

And slay



To beat a dead dog

Or horse

Or whatever it may be

The point is

The thing

Is dead

Get it through that thick head of yours




In time you will learn

You are not always paid

What you earn

You can fall over when you turn

Those that do not take care

Do get burnt

The captain goes down with the ship

But I donŐt think he is ennobled by it

He is still a dead duck

As am I

So better to cover up

Wear a bullet proof vest

As time and experience surely do suggest


I am ultimately just as disposable as the rest