When really it is not


Something goes wrong

And we know who to blame

It is the Jew or the Lala

Or a move in the Great Game

Or we lost it all,

for the PoliticianÕs gain

Or it was the will of Allah

That we be tested

And bested

Again and again.


When really it is not


IÕve never seen a nation

So ready to accept

That its own destiny

Is at other places set.

Maybe once it was so

But if you ask me,

It never was,

Really no.


As days go by

I feel things have changed

EveryoneÕs moved on

While weÕve remained

Wedded to shadows

Wallowing in self pity

And when only blameÕs remained.


We have let the terrorist represent us

Let the Bully dominate

Given in to hate

Or worse, self pity.


I have come to fear

That we are not conspired against

For we donÕt really matter anymore

Surely we do not to matter to us

If we continue to fuss

Over imagined plans others have for us

And not take hold of our destiny

And remake our world.


Until then

In the grander scheme of things

We really do not matter


We have lapsed into irrelevance

And this is likely the truth
